The Insurance Crime Bureau was officially launched on 31 October 2008 to address organised fraud and crime through insurance fraud detection and prevention strategies  in the short term insurance industry. Since then, The Insurance Crime Bureau has established itself not only as a valuable tool in the fight against insurance crime and related fraud, but has also brought the various agencies working in the broader fight against commercial crime closer together for the benefit of all. 

While the main focus of The Insurance Crime Bureau is to address organised fraud and crime, The Insurance Crime Bureau also investigates repeat offenders and fraudsters that target multiple insurance companies. Our aim is not to replace the internal fraud investigation units of the insurance companies, but to specifically look at fraud and crime being committed across the industry and affecting multiple companies, i.e. syndicated crime and fraud.


The Insurance Crime Bureau was established in 2008, to be the intelligence hub and leading authority on organised crime, operating within the Insurance Industry.


The Insurance Crime Bureau aims to achieve its vision through the consolidation of multiple data sources, the deployment of relevant and specialised skills along with unique technology, all to promote collaboration and provide intelligence to detect and prevent insurance related fraud and crime…with the end goal of obtaining convictions and recoveries.


To ensure that the short term industry stands together to fight organised crime

To reduce the financial effects of syndicate behaviour in the industry by decreasing organised crime

To continue to demonstrate that we are collaboratively and actively addressing crime and fraud in the industry

To demonstrate to stakeholders, partners and members that the industry is standing together to fight organised crime, thereby increasing “the force”

Value Propositions

The Insurance Crime Bureau is a key body mandated by the short term insurance industry to enable collaboration and facilitation in addressing crime and fraud prevention on behalf of the industry
The Insurance Crime Bureau identifies and collaborates with all relevant parties on organised crime to ensure conviction and the recovery of monies on behalf of members through the process of identification, analysis, investigation, gathering of evidence, documenting of evidence and the preparation of the case documentation
The Insurance Crime Bureau is the only dedicated, focused source in providing a credible aggregated view of crime and fraud statistics in South Africa
The Insurance Crime Bureau shares relevant information and provides meaningful reporting to the correct audience
The Insurance Crime Bureau applies previous experience to provide advanced data analysis focused on crime and fraud
The Insurance Crime Bureau has specialist capability, relating to experience, expertise, access to multiple data sources and intelligence gathering that assists in addressing crime and fraud prevention
The Insurance Crime Bureau has built powerful relationships with valuable stakeholders and partners
The Insurance Crime Bureau provides investigative education, coaching and training to the investigators, the SAPS, member companies, SADC, NPA, etc